Building Key Policy,
Floor Rules & Training Rules Updates

As a result of the 2017 QCDTC Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules update, a need was identified to draft a new Building Key Policy to replace a defunct policy referenced in the old standing rules, as well as to update the Floor Rules.

The following documents have been written and/or updated as a result of this effort, and were reviewed and approved by the Board on 11/27/17 and 12/4/17:

          2017.11.27_Training Rules.pdf

          2017.12.04_FLOOR Rules.pdf

          2017.09.11_BUILDING KEY Checklist.pdf

          2017.11.27_Building Key Policy.pdf

          2017.09.11_Code of Conduct.pdf

The Training Rules are targeted to the students who take our classes, and will not be published in the yearbook.

The Floor Rules contain more comprehensive information for QCDTC members, including who to contact to report issues, member training, housekeeping & cleanup of accidents, dogs & equipment, facility, member training times, length of practice, and agility ring regulations.

The Building Key Checklist describes additional responsibilities of Building Key Holders, including training that may be needed before being given a building key.

The Building Key Policy describes who is eligible to request a key, who is permitted to be in the building after hours, and expectations of members using the building "After Hours".

The Code of Conduct describes how we would like to conduct ourselves as members and representatives of Queen City Dog Training Club, Inc.

The following people served on this committee:Marsha Tufft, Chairman, Catherine Berberich, Diane Carr, MaryAnn Chappelear, Marilyn Cones, Pat Doty, Pat King, George Paris, Megan Richards.

If you have any questions or comments on the above documents, please contact Marsha Tufft or a member of the Board.

© Queen City Dog Training Club, 12018 Tramway Drive, Sharonville, Ohio 45241